An exciting new series of CPD days is being set up for the Oxford region. The aim is to provide regular local CPD update days in a rolling programme to address level 2 & 3 CPD requirements. The programmes are predominantly aimed at consultants and career grade anaesthetists; however we will also provide a limited number of places availability for post fellowship trainees.
We plan to organise a CPD day 3-4 times a year. It is our intention to provide cost effective and comprehensive study days which will focus on the various anaesthetic subspecialties.
We are now ready to take bookings for the following CPD days:
1st October 2018 - Paediatric Anaesthesia CPD Day
(George Pickering Education Centre, OUH)
17th December 2018 - Regional Anaesthesia CPD Day
(George Pickering Education Centre, OUH)
1st March 2019 - Advanced Airway Management CPD Day
(Academic Centre, OUH)
Each day will be charged at £100 for consultants and career grade anaesthetists and £50 for trainees. All monies generated will be used to enhance anaesthetic sub-speciality training in the region and to develop future CPD days.
For more information and booking please visit and direct any queries regarding the days to
Dr Henry Jefferson
Dr Vassilis Athanassoglou
Dr Mridula Rai
Oxford CPD Programme Directors