Guide to study leave for Anaesthetics and ICM

Study leave should always be taken in line with curriculum and PDP requirements. Those courses essential to training (activities which support attainment of the curriculum) are fully funded. Those that are desirable for learning and development (activities which stretch and extend resident, should relate to NHS practice) will be approved and funded as long as they align with the PDP and stage of training of the resident. Where the course is available locally, it is expected that this will be the default; if the SL requested is out of region then an explanation for this should be provided by applicant and ES and SL funding is not guaranteed.

SL up to a maximum of £1000 per resident will be approved automatically; greater than this will require confirmation from TPD / HoS that the SL is appropriate.

It is expected that the majority of the courses designated as curriculum essential will be achieved in the relevant stage of training.   

This list is not exhaustive and courses which are not on the list will be considered on a case by case basis by the trainee’s ES and TPD. The list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis

ALl Study Leave information including a guide to Accent and SL applications is available on the NHSE website - link here

Stage 1



Local / regional teaching

Obstetric teaching day / simulation course

Primary FRCA preparation course (up to 3 separate courses) 1 course per part of exam

Regional skills course

ICM Transfer course


Conference at which presenting poster / oral


Primary FRCA private revision - up to 5 days


Paediatric anaesthesia / emergencies course eg MEPA

TIVA course


EPLS / APLS / ATLS 1 of the additional courses to be funded


Quality improvement methodology

Education and training workshop

Research methodology

Human factors training

Simulation faculty development

Stage 2


Local / regional teaching

Final FRCA preparation course (up to 2 separate courses) 1 course per part of exam


Paediatric anaesthesia / emergencies course eg MEPA

MOET or equivalent

ALS If not complete already

EPLS / APLS Recertifications included



Conference at which presenting poster / oral


Final FRCA private revision - up to 5 days


Perioperative medicine course / CPET

TIVA course

AFOI / Other airway skills course

Advanced regional skills course

Pain interventional skills 


Advanced communication skills   

Quality improvement methodology

Anaesthetists as educators / GIC 

Research methodology

Advanced human factors training eg ACRM

Simulation faculty development

Stage 3



OxDAT teaching days

MOET or equivalent, advanced simulation in obstetrics if not done in Stage 2

Paediatric anaesthesia / emergencies course eg MEPA if not done in Stage 2

AFOI if not done in Stage 2

Advanced regional skills course if not done in Stage 2

ALS / EPLS / APLS / ATLS if not complete already, recertifications included


Advanced transfer training


Human Factors / Advanced Crew Resource Management

Conference at which presenting poster / oral  

SIA relevant course  

PHEM induction If on PHEM training programme

Management / Leadership course


Quality improvement methodology

Anaesthetists as educators / GIC  / ES course

Research methodology

Simulation Faculty Development