LTFT trainees in anaesthesia and ICM make up a significant proportion of the trainee body in the School. To apply for LTFT training please look at the NHSE LTFT page here. The email you need to apply is
There is new guidance out from NHSE and a new application form, please click here to access the form and its accompanying notes.
The School of Anaesthesia LTFT Adviser is newly appointed and is Dr Laura Oakley, who has a wealth of experience and knowledge.
The LTFT Trainee Reps have produced a LTFT Guide (May 2019), and can be contacted via OXDAT
OXDAT have also produced a FAQ guide which can be found here
The AAGBI produced an A-Z Guide to LTFT training in anaesthesia and ICM, however this guide predates the 2016 Junior Doctors contract.