ARCP Basics

The Annual Review of Competence Progression is the process by which Doctors in Training are assessed as to whether they are progressing through their training as expected. It is a process that is intended to be encouraging and supportive as well as an assessment, so that is there are training issues then plans can be put in place as required.

The ARCP happens every calendar year, regardless of whether Less then Fulltime Training and whether you are Out of Programme.

At the same time as the ARCP there is a revalidation process which requires the Form R and Whole Scope of Practice to be submitted. This allows the Deanery to revalidate you every 5 years, until you leave training.

ARCP preparation

At least six weeks before the ARCP panel date, trainees will be sent an invitation to attend, a list of evidence to present to the ARCP panel, and the cutoff date for evidence submission. The cutoff date for evidence submission is two weeks prior to the ARCP panel date.

After the cutoff date, Consultant Anaesthetists and Intensivists on the ARCP panel review the evidence available on the LLP.

On the day of the ARCP panel, the panel convene in the morning, review the evidence together and then recommend an ARCP outcome. As the ARCP process is the panel review of the evidence submitted, the trainee is not present for this. Possible outcomes are:

  1. Progressive outcome – Achieving progress and competences at expected rate

  2. Development of specific competencies required - additional training time NOT required

  3. Inadequate progress - Additional training time required

  4. Released from programme with or without specified competencies.

  5. Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required

  6. Completion of training – all necessary competencies have been achieved

    8. Out of programme experience for approved clinical experience, research or career break

It is anticipated that at an ARCP, trainees not being recommended an outcome 1 will already be aware of issues through discussion with their Educational Supervisor. 

Post ARCP your outcome form will be issued via the LLP. It is essential you accept this outcome form, as when you reach CCT the RCOA will check that your outcome forms throughout training are present and accepted.

ARCP Panels

ARCPs are run twice a year. There are usually 4-5 dates, with CT, ST, ACCS and ICM trainees grouped together on different days. ARCPs are entirely virtual.

We try and have one ARCP day later in January / July as a ‘catch all’.

Portfolios are assessed in the mornings by the full panel. All the evidence available is looked at and outcomes decided. The revalidation process via the Form R and the Whole Scope of Practice form is also followed (parallel but separate).

In the afternoon the panel divides up and each trainee will be invited to join a feedback panel, at a specific time, to receive their outcome and feedback. It is expected that you will join the feedback panel if at all possible; the panel enjoy meeting you (digitally) face to face. Preparing for your ARCP and attending your feedback panel is part of professional behaviours.

Summer ARCPs 2025

Please note that, as there is some movement around timing of Primary and Final FRCA, some people will be scheduled around this and so may not be on the expected day.

10th June – Core

17th June – Core

19th June – ICM/Anaesthetics

23rd June – Anaesthetics

24th June – Anaesthetics

30th June – ICM/EM

14th July – mop up

what evidence is required?

You are asked to collate evidence of learning throughout the year and the ESSR then captures this evidence in a summary format. As part of this it is expected you will have an MSF, MTR, Logbook and evidence of your non clinical activities. Personal reflections on your learning are encouraged (with care to avoid patient information).

A few pitfalls people have experienced:

You need 12 responses minimum for MSF

3 supervisory meetings minimum should be recorded

Please check you have a College tutor allocated so that the ESSR has comments on it from both

If you have submitted your ESSR before a crucial piece of evidence eg regarding pass or not of an exam, please upload a document onto your LLP stating the result so it can be seen on the day by the panel.

Educational Contract

Please click here

Quick checklist for Educational Supervisors and trainees: click here.


Revalidation is a parallel and essential part of ARCP and your Form R and Whole Scope Of Practice are the documentation for this. If they have not been completed in advance, or if they have not been filled out correctly, the panel will consider an outcome 5 for insufficient evidence. Please therefore read the guidance on what needs declaring on the WSOP and how to complete the Form R, linked below.

The principle of documenting time out of training (TOOT) is a supportive one. If you have had significant time away from training, whether planned or unplanned, the CCT date can be moved so that the AiT is not disadvantaged.

So, for example, an OOPE will move the CCT date by the time taken out of training Another example is someone who had 6 months sick leave. This time can be added to the training time and CCT moved, when reviewed at an ARCP panel.

Form R and WSOP guidance - please read this document before completing. WSOP please click here.

ARCP checklists for 2021 curriculum

For ES, please click here.

For trainee checklist, please click here.

For guidance as to which trainees are able to sign off WPBA / SLE for other trainees, please click here.