Venue: Seminar Room in the Postgraduate centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury
0830 OxDAT Meeting (Including presentation by Nick Dobson and Georgina Wilson on ‘Little Sparks’)
0930 Spinal cord injury – function, disability & health Dr Alex Rouse, SpR NSIC
1030 Coffee
1045 Anaesthesia for the patient with spinal cord injuries Dr Aliki Manoras, Consultant Anaesthetist/Intensivist
1130 Burns – a surgical perspective Miss Alex Murray, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
1230 Lunch
1330 Anaesthesia for elective spinal surgery Dr Jeremy Drake, Consultant Anaesthetist
1415 Anaesthesia and intensive care for the burns patient Dr Justin Mandeville, Consultant Anaesthetist/Intensivist
1500 Coffee
1515 Anaesthesia for free flap surgery Dr Pura Ribes, Consultant Anaesthetist
1600 Close