Study Leave and Study Budget Arrangements v5 September 2019

(Document revised following approval by the HEE DEQ Senior Leadership Team on guidance from the HEE national working group on Study Leave Arrangements, and recommendation from COPMeD)

HEETV Study Leave Application Form v7 October 2019 

(Study leave application form uploaded 6th January 2020)

From 5th April 2018 Health Education England Thames Valley holds the budget for study leave. Below are the study leave requirements for anaesthetic trainees in this region


Study Leave Requirements for Anaesthetic Core Trainees in Health Education England Thames Valley 

Essential Courses (Required by curriculum) 


PROMPT or other obstetric course

Mandatory local or regional teaching

MCQ course

SOE / OSCE course

One adult and one paediatric resus course if not already obtained

Paediatric anaesthetic course *

Transfer course for ICU patients

Simulation course


Desirable (Not required by curriculum)

Conference at which poster / oral presentation

A second obstetric course ie whichever of regional training day / PROMPT course not done

Third resus course

Private study leave for exam

Ultrasound course



This list is not exhaustive and courses which are not on the list will be considered on a case by case basis by the trainee’s ES and TPD. The list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.


* Paediatric anaesthesia course run at Bucks to be recommended but not mandatory - other course possible

Study Leave Requirements for Anaesthetic Specialty Registrars in the Health Education England Thames Valley  


Essential Courses (Required by curriculum) 

OXDAT training days for post FRCA trainees 

Advanced Life Support provider (or equivalent) maintained throughout training

Paediatric ALS/BLS


Desirable Courses

Final FRCA courses (written and structured oral examination)

Advanced Airway

Management / Leadership 

Advanced Transfer Training 

Patient Safety / Human Factors

Educator training (e.g. “Train the Trainer” / GIC)




MOET / equivalent obstetric emergencies

MEPA / equivalent paediatric emergencies

Specific courses linked to Advanced Training modules e.g. training in delivery of simulation [i]


This list is not exhaustive and courses which are not on the list will be considered on a case by case basis by the trainee’s ES and TPD. The list will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.


[i] N.B. limit to available funds – e.g. attendance at ESRA conference for EDRA examination can cost > £1000